Sunday, February 14, 2010

Group Essay

Mariah and Deisha,
My topic was the different levels of dishonesty in the play The Importance of Being Earnest. My part was on the lie about how the baby was lied about. My first quote was from Lady Bracnel asking Mrs. Prism where the baby was. I talked about how Mrs. Prism had not come forward about the true placement of the child. My next concrete detail was from Jack questioning Mrs. Prism about the bag he was in as a baby. I went on to say how the bag was where the lie had started and that the person who had taken it didn't know about the lie. (i am not sure if this is a good connection. tell me if you have a better idea for it) My last quote was Jack asking Lady Bracnel about his real name. I talked about how he found out that he was not lying at all. I thought this would tie into Mariahs topic better and make it flow better.

I'm not quite sure how i should write my topic sentence until i see both of your blogs.


  1. All of your topics are good. i like how last one ties into mariahs My last example was algernon lying to his aunt about being disapointed that there were no cucumbers when he acctually ate them. so maybe you could say something about that in your topic sentence to tie it in.

  2. I think you chose good quotes to write about and it will make your paragraph really strong. Also, I think it was a good connection, I can't think of any other ideas. Well done.

  3. Thank you. Ill try and tie Aunt Augusta into the topic sentence.
