I was born September 9Th, 1994 (9/3/94) making my astrological sign Virgo. It is the 6Th sign on the zodiac and a Mutable Earth sign,ruled by Mercury. It is represented by a woman and is reliable, industrious, intelligent, and practical, easily accomplishing high standards in all parts of their lives. I would agree that I am a lot like what my sign says. I have a strong bond and sense of pride and responsibility in my life, it is most strong when it comes to my family and dear friends. I am in an honors class because I choose to set the bar high and know I will be able to meet the goals I set. I know what I truly can accomplish and what I am not able to do in any part of my life so I would say that is my practicality taking over. A sight also mentioned the stand out quality of committing to excellence. This is probably the part of the horoscope I would agree with most. I know I can be critical of others flaws and and am even more aware of my own, in the work I do and in myself alone. But my ego is easily hurt by others criticism in myself because of how aware I can be myself. The flaw in that is not wanting to try something again if I failed in doing it in the past. So to sum it up I agree with my astrological sign and fate as Romeo and Juliet did with their love. In the very beginning of the book it says "a pair of star-crossed lovers" (prologue 6) for shadowing the other references to their belief in fate, heaven and hell. It also foreshadows how they will both end up dying as the people in heaven and hell have.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Culture Shock
When I was looking for Romeo and Juliet in modern pieces of work I found a band called Dire Straits and their song called Romeo And Juliet. It interprets Romeos attraction for Juliet
A love-struck Romeo sings the streets a serenadeJuliet's feelings were shown for Romeo in the next quote:
Laying everybody low with a love song that he made.
Finds a streetlight, steps out of the shade
Says something like, "You and me babe, how about it?"
Juliet says, "Hey, it's Romeo, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"There is also foreshadowing in the song about their death saying how they
He's underneath the window, she's singing, "Hey la, my boyfriend's back.
You shouldn't come around here singing up to people like that...
Anyway, what you gonna do about it?"
"I love you like the stars above, I'll love you 'til I die"This song shows the optimism for the two lovers and how they will love each other forever.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Great Expectations Skit
For the skit I think that I would want the fight scene where the pale young gentleman challenges Pip. This part shows Herbert and Pip's first meeting and ties well with the other parts of the story. It would also be an entertaining part of the book to watch. The second skit I would like to see done would be when Mr Jaggers first meets Pip and Joe in the bar and tell him of the great property he is going to come into. It is the real beginning of all his changes and foreshadows the rest of the book. the third scene I would like to see done would be at Mr. Jagger's house with all of Pip's friends all having dinner. It has a lot of characters in it, and would fun to do and watch because of the dialogue between them.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Great Expectaions question 2
""so," said Estella, "I must be taken as I have been made. The success is not mine, the failure is not mine, but the two together make me."
I understood that she was talking about how Miss Havisham had made her a mean cold person but I do not understand what was meant about the success and failure. Is it the success and failure of Estella or is it how Miss Havisham wants her to break hearts as the success and the failure of the Estella's coldness towards Miss Havisham?
Friday, March 12, 2010
Great Expectations Quote
On page 225 chapter 28 part of Pip's thinking had me confused.
"That i should innocently take a bad half-crown of somebody else's manufacture is reasonable enough; but that I should knowingly reckon the spurious coin of my own make as good money!"I don't understand the language that is used here and what the meaning of it is.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Great Expectations Photo

Friday, February 26, 2010
Great Expecations: The First Stage
Pip is referring to the day he went to Miss Havisham's and started to compare them to his family and started to see how common they all were. He was altered form believing he was normal to thinking that he was lower then Estella and Miss Havisham. Pip became increasingly self conscious about him self and his apprenticeship to Joe. From the first time Estella commented on Pips hands and boots he started to strive from an uncommon life. The most memorable day that began my chain was when i chose to go to an art school instead of the regular middle school. All of my friends were going to go onto their middle school life with out me. I accepted this fact with the knowledge that the other school would have more experiences for me to enjoy even if it was not with the people that i felt comfortable with. This choice has made me more confident with myself. I can be independent and go against the grain while knowing I will do great with whatever i choose to do.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Group Essay
Mariah and Deisha,
My topic was the different levels of dishonesty in the play The Importance of Being Earnest. My part was on the lie about how the baby was lied about. My first quote was from Lady Bracnel asking Mrs. Prism where the baby was. I talked about how Mrs. Prism had not come forward about the true placement of the child. My next concrete detail was from Jack questioning Mrs. Prism about the bag he was in as a baby. I went on to say how the bag was where the lie had started and that the person who had taken it didn't know about the lie. (i am not sure if this is a good connection. tell me if you have a better idea for it) My last quote was Jack asking Lady Bracnel about his real name. I talked about how he found out that he was not lying at all. I thought this would tie into Mariahs topic better and make it flow better.
I'm not quite sure how i should write my topic sentence until i see both of your blogs.
My topic was the different levels of dishonesty in the play The Importance of Being Earnest. My part was on the lie about how the baby was lied about. My first quote was from Lady Bracnel asking Mrs. Prism where the baby was. I talked about how Mrs. Prism had not come forward about the true placement of the child. My next concrete detail was from Jack questioning Mrs. Prism about the bag he was in as a baby. I went on to say how the bag was where the lie had started and that the person who had taken it didn't know about the lie. (i am not sure if this is a good connection. tell me if you have a better idea for it) My last quote was Jack asking Lady Bracnel about his real name. I talked about how he found out that he was not lying at all. I thought this would tie into Mariahs topic better and make it flow better.
I'm not quite sure how i should write my topic sentence until i see both of your blogs.
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Importance of Being Ernest/Victorian Research
Researching the Victorian era improved my understanding of "The Importance of Being Ernest". I found out the roles of men and women were largely different. When the men were expected to work and provide for their families the women had to stay home and raise the children so that they can marry into a higher social class. Jack (Ernest) and his ward Cecily are a good example of this. Jack goes to the city and Cecily had to stay in the country and learn things like German.
A second connection between the book and the Victorian are was the difference in social classes. This is shown in the book at how Algernon treats his man servant. He has him bring everything to him and take luggage aground. Lane also takes the blame for not having cucumber sandwiches when Algernon ate all of them. He is a lower class then Algernon and when they talk about marriage Lane's life story was pushed aside and deemed as too boring for Algernon to listen too.
A second connection between the book and the Victorian are was the difference in social classes. This is shown in the book at how Algernon treats his man servant. He has him bring everything to him and take luggage aground. Lane also takes the blame for not having cucumber sandwiches when Algernon ate all of them. He is a lower class then Algernon and when they talk about marriage Lane's life story was pushed aside and deemed as too boring for Algernon to listen too.
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